Latest News How to stay productive (and sane) whilst working from homeMonday, 11 May 2020


Struggling to find ways to adjust to the new normal of working from home? So were we, until we decided to take our own advice… here are our top tips for staying productive (and sane) whilst working from home.

1. Routine

Yes- we have all read this before. It’s important to try to stick to your regular morning routine, get up at the same time you normally would and use the extra time you’d normally spend commuting, to go for a walk or do a virtual exercise class. Cook yourself a mind-fuelling breakfast, a shower and get dressed (we see you in your PJ’s).  


2. Schedule Your Day

Remember the old school way of writing a to-do list? It’s back. Keep your tasks organised and the satisfaction of ticking them off throughout the day will do you wonders!  


3. Workspace

A well thought out workspace is so important. Think about it- when you’re looking around your space, does it spark creativity?  Where possible, avoid having your desk in your bedroom as it should be a calming, work-free zone. If you can, position your desk next to a window which allows natural light to come in and set up your desk with things that inspire you.


4. Take Regular Breaks

Try working in 50-minute blocks and get up to go outside every 10 mins. Take your regular lunch break away from your workspace always.


5. Embrace Podcasts and Music

There are plenty of great podcasts that you can listen to in between Zoom meetings to keep you inspired and feeling connected, cue Biggie Smalls.


6. Mindfulness

With all that is going on in the world at the moment, it’s normal for us to feel confused, overwhelmed or anxious. Try to avoid constantly checking for news updates and take a moment to go for a walk if possible, or try meditation.


 7. Expectations and Asking for Help

Communicate with your boss and your team regularly so you know what their expectations of you are when working from home. If you’re struggling, ask for help or chat to another team member about what is working for them.


8. Shut Down

It’s easy to lose track of time when working from home, set yourself clear boundaries around what time you will start, finish and take breaks. When it hits finish time, turn off your computer and notifications on your devices so you can switch off yourself. If possible, shut the door where your workspace is. This will help you establish boundaries and a further sense of routine, allowing you to switch off when you need to.


9. Zoom Quarintini

Prepare your best cocktail (or mocktail) to share via Zoom with colleagues on a Friday afternoon!


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